Saturday, December 5, 2009

We are back

We are back into the blogging world! With a baby on the way we want to keep all of our friends and family updated with what is going on with Smith baby! I am 12 weeks along today, and feel as good as can be expected. I have been sick here and there....very tired....but enjoying everything..including the sickness, that is coming my way. Nick has been a GREAT support for me during the times where I can't move..:)

So much is going on with us! I am almost done with my LAST Math class ever! I have a great teacher who I know was put in my life to help me get through this class while in my first trimester! Nick is graduating on December 19!!! We are having a fun party for him so we are excited about that. We went to visit law schools in Oregon and Seattle over Thanksgiving is SO pretty up there! We loved it! We will know where we will be going by February!
We can't picture life being any better than it is right now...we are so blessed!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Diamond Backs Game!

Well...thanks to UPS we went to a Diamond Backs game for way cheap! They lost....but it was still really fun! We even got to see a free concert was really bad so we left! I loved watching Nick in his element! He loooooves baseball so much.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My weekend + Monday shopping trip!

So this past weekend I drove to Phoenix to visit John and Becky. Becky and I RAN really fast in a 5k race to support 9/ was really fun and was for such a good cause! We actually walked the whole thing...but it was fun to catch up and laugh and chat. The park was so beautiful where it was held! We were greeted by Senior Mrs. Arizona with a high five!!! lol...that was the highlight for me! We then went to go and see..." Medea, I can do bad all by myself " ...for those who re Tyler Perry fans....he was only in it like 15 minutes...kind of a rip off....but it was still funny....Becky....I will SHANK you girl!
We then went shopping and I found Christmas stuff for 90% off! I got about 10 items for $3.17!!!! So, we are ready to start shopping...let the Christmas season begin!
Tonight, Monday, I went grocery shopping and then got a little gift for 1. MYSELF and 2. Peyton! Peyton's little birthday present is a CUTE pink shirt w/ white rhinestones, a pair of brown lounge pants with a little princess sign on it....she really is a little princess! I also got fun pink pouf's for Peyton and her little sister Tatum. I always hated having to watch my sisters open their presents and never get least Tatum will feel some what included.
I FINALLY got a new lunch pale! It is soooo cute. I have been taking my lunch in a plastic Sprouts sack...ghetto fabulous I know....but this will be way more cute and ME!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happenings Part 3

Aunt Susie and Uncle Ken were sweet and invited us to join their family in celebrating my Grandma Shipley's 80th birthday party. We had TO DIE for food, YUMMY cake, entertainment provided by Daniel and fun times learning things about Grandma. Did you know her first kiss was at age 13? And that she slapped the kid after he kissed her? Her mama taught her well!
It was a really fun time and Nick and I are so blessed to have a loving family!

Happenings Part 2

BOOOHOOO...Elder Scott Shipley left! It was a fun Sunday for his farewell....and I GUESS it was fun to be able to see him off. It was more sad than anything though! He will be such a great missionary and Nick and I are so proud of his choice.

Happenings Part 1

I through Becky a surprise party at Macaroni Grill. We had to stall her for about an hour while the boys drove home from San Manuel golf course. Did everyone know there is a place in the Foothills mall that sells $10.00 shoes? Yes, they are cheap shoes...but it was still fun! Becky and I went shopping the rest of the day with my mom, got some cute clothes! Happy Birthday big Sister!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We miss you!!!

Nick's sister, Kami, and her adorable son Tyler moved to California last week!!! We already miss them and the thought of not getting to see Tyler whenever we want!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I quit!!!

I tried rolling with the times of face book, but it bores me and is so impersonal...not like blogs are any better...but I guess I just like blogging more. So I am back people!
We haven't been up to much lately. I am working still at Radiology LTD and also picked up some hours helping out at my dad's office. I won't be going to school next semester...I want to save up some $$$ before we are poor law school students! Nick sends out his applications the middle of September....9 schools I think so far. We are hoping for Southern Cal or Seattle! We will see...anywhere really is fine....we are just excited for a new adventure!
We are just enjoying each other right now at this point in our life! We cut our cable and it is amazing how much more time we spend together...talking, working out, cooking good dinners! It is great! I think I may have been a little toooooo obsessed with TV! :) No worries, I just found out my gym at our apartment has mini TV screens hooked up to the treadmills...haha...I am HAVIN workin out! :)
Here are some pictures from a birthday party we had for " Papa Joe". He is Pam's ( Nick's Mother) fiance! He came over before we all went out to eat Saturday and taught Nick how to install a light fixture! It is awesome!!! Thanks Joe!
Below: Abby, Kami and Nick

Kristen with Tyler and Ricky

( I flipped this picture upside down, look how happy these 4 year olds are with their teddy bears playing upside down! SO HAPPY!)
Nick's new office light! He installed it...with help! :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sacramento Trip

Ha....I love the picture of Tatum...I think I had scowls on my face in a few of my childhood photos!

All the grand kids...take 7!!!

Cute Tatum,Ryenn and Peyton

Very pregnant Shelly ( she lives in CA) and Pam

Jake, Nick and Eric being silly

Out of 5 pictures...THIS was the best one...SAD

Nick was the BBQ King!!!

So, this post is a little late...but we went to Sacramento CA for the 4th. I originally was not very excited to drive...but it ended up not being that bad! Maybe stopping at the Coach outlet mall in LA made it a little more bearable :).
We got there around 4 am and hit the bed! We were woken up with the quick little pitter patter of Ricky running across the hardwood floors. I love that sound!!! He is 4 and adorable. All of Nick's brothers and sisters were there besides Mandy who had to work! :(
It was really fun. Trey got the priesthood on Sunday the 5th and it was so special to be there for him, and to have ALL his family there too. Our nieces and nephews are just adorable. They are so sweet and huggy and just stinken cute! We also celebrated Tyler's 4 birthday. He was so patient ALL day on the 4th waiting for his party!!! All in all it was a fuuuuun trip!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We are so excited to see all of our niece's and nephews all together. We are driving to California ( please don't ask me what part...somewhere south of Sacramento), our nephew Trey, is getting the priesthood!!! Which is so exciting! So we are making the trek up there...Nick and I are pretty excited to take a road trip! Last time that happened...was when we went to Utah and got engaged!!! We are more flyer's than drivers. It is also neat because we get to see our other Smith family from Washington...which usually only happens once a year! So here are some of our cute people who we love so much!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Temple Day

So yesterday Scotty went through the temple for the first time. It was so neat. It was really awesome too cuz he had a lot of family and friends there. After much persuasion, "Scott" wanted to go to Cheesecake Factory for his after the temple lunch. It was really good and we met up with Katie,Eric and Paul. This morning I made Nick this really good recipe of french toast, turkey bacon and eggs....well...he decided that he wanted to spruce it up a bit and ended up putting chocolate syrup and gummy bears on top of it....GROSS. I just had to get a picture...he is not really the "sugar" type....well not THAT much! It was funny. I have been lazy today and catching up on all my Harry Potter movies....we are so excited the next one is coming out!!!!

The other pic is of Kaitlyn,Janessa and Megan. Janessa is getting married and it was her bridal shower. It was really really nice!!! Very fun to see everyone.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Wow, can you even believe it has been two whole years since my Nicholas and I have gotten married? Time seriously has flown by! Our anniversary was May 12, last Tuesday...we both had finals the next day so we went to dinner and then came home and had Red Velvet Cake from El Conquistador ( our wedding cake ). It was so nice to remember that special day! We went to Flemming's...SO good! We will definitely be going back someday. Then over the weekend we went to Hyatt Regency at Gainey Ranch in Scottsdale! It was SOOOO romantic and beautiful and FUN! We golfed ( well, I drove the cart while Nicky golfed), we laid out allll day, ate at REALLY good restaurants, went to the Landmark ( where our wedding luncheon was), watched Flamenco Dancers perform and watch a lot of movies!!! It was so nice with it just being the two of us. I am so excited to see where our lives will be at our 3 year anniversary. We have a lot of changes coming hopefully! Nick has 3 more classes this summer and he is DONE...until Law School starts the following Fall of 2010. We are excited for him to be taking the LSAT soon and excited to see where we will be going!