I have come to love and depend on Advil PM for my slumber at night. I am not sure why I can't sleep on my own, but I can't...so I take Advil PM. My problem started about 3 months ago and I had never even heard of my new found love....Advil PM. So, my sister Becky, as wonderful as she is, said..." Hey, you should take Advil PM, it really helps you sleep, I take it all the time." So I did, and now it is the ONLY way I can sleep!!!
Does anyone have any routine or relaxation techniques to help so I can stop taking this wonderful sleeping aide?
PS...THANKS Becky!!!
Correction: I may have suggested Excedrin PM to you...but not Advil PM. I didn't mean for you to get hooked on it. It's only used for those nights you absolutely can't go to sleep...not every night!!! Try counting sheep...that is a non drug induced technique. :)
*Your Welcome
That is a worry to be dependent on a substance to help you sleep every night. To help me get a fairly good night's sleep I make sure I don't go to bed too early, usually between 10:30-11. And I always read in bed to relax me, most of the time about 5-10 minutes. Make sure you have a bedside lamp because walking to a light switch can wake you back up. Keep your thoughts calm and peaceful. Good luck!
Reading the Scriptures puts me out like a LIGHT! try it! :)
Wean yourself off that drug!!! Cold Turkey!!! I blame EVERYTHING on Nick's schedule - I HATED when Kenny worked that shift - I had to sneak around and be so quiet as not to wake T-REX!!!! Take a warm bath - read a book - drink a cup of warm decaf tea!!! RELAX!!!
I have the SAME problem! I have learned a lot of things to help me get to zzz-time. I do deep breathing techniques. If you do Yoga, it's super easy to take the breathing techniques you learn in Yoga and do them before you go to bed. I also take a warm bath before I go to bed (but not hot - it can actually raise your heartrate and keep you awake for awhile), and wind down in a semi-dark room. Another thing I try to do is no TV or computer for an hour before bed. The light from them cause your brain to stay alert and your body doesn't relax as a result. Let's just say Dr. Oz on Oprah is a genious and he preaches all of these techniques... they work for me! I hope some of them help! :) Hope you and Nick are doing well. xo
I agree with Briana Lee, (I have no idea who that is), but she's right, I like to light candles and dim the lights before bed too, a warm bath or shower and I hat to be the one to say it, but the best sleeping pill for me is good old matress mombo! Works every time! :)
Hey Kristin,
I have this problem too sometimes because I have been so stressed. I don't know what it is called but you tighten your muscles one at a time starting from the head to the toes. Tighten for a few seconds then relax. I works for me, hope it works for you.
I read something just this week about insomnia--At bedtime, lie on your back with your legs straight and slightly apart, arms at your sides with palms facing up. Exhale fully yet gently, as though you're trying to make the flame of a candle flutter. (Your belly should visibly fall.) Next, inhale through your nose, feeling your belly rise. Hold your breath for a count of five, then release. Repeat until you drift off to sleep.
LeeAnn here. Get my email address from Camilla and email me. I learned a lot of things when I was going through my insomniac phase as well as pharmacy knowledge. Don't depend on any sort of PM to help you sleep (It's just Benadryl (diphenhydramine) you are paying ALOT of money for a fancy, shmancy drug.
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